What is Voice & Tone?

Rewst’s voice reflects how we as an organization see the world around us, and how we relate to our users. Voice is always consistent: it communicates our personality.

Our tone changes based on who we are speaking to, and the circumstances of the communication. Are we speaking to brand new prospects? Established customers? Are we addressing a pain point that we created, or announcing a new feature?

Every message is an opportunity to reinforce our brand through voice and tone. Communicating what the reader needs at the right time, as succinctly as possible fortifies our brand more than anything.

Our Personality

What’s with the crazy egg-chicken thing?

Stewart is a seriously fortunate fellow. He’s always looking over his shoulder for what’s coming next; and although he doesn’t have all the answers, his instincts lead him to success. If you point Stewart in the right direction, he’ll do what comes naturally and handle the most redundant (yet critical) processes in your organization. You’ll see him as your “Employee of the Month,” but Stewart just sees it as his daily routine.

We are approachable.

When you’re writing, ask yourself, “Would I say this to someone I’m having coffee with?” This is harder than it sounds, but worth taking the time to craft a message that feels like it’s from a friend instead of a company.

We are succinct.

If we can answer an inquiry with one word, we do. In all of our content, we aim to deliver our content that leaves readers seeing us as technical gurus, giving them the power to unlock their own inner genius. We eschew exclamation points as a general rule. Rewst-appropriate puns may be used, but always consider the circumstances, and prioritize clarity over comedic value.

“Strive to make your point with the fewest words possible. Lead with the benefit, not the feature. Use direct language rather than passive.”


“Meet your new employee of the month.”
“How did RapidTech save over 500 man-hours a week? Read it here, in RapidTech CEO Brad Dockers’ words.”
“Accomplish things faster with ready-built Rewst automation crates.”
“Now, all your wildest automation dreams can come true!” (non-specific, overpromising)
“Go check out our awesome case study!” (generic descriptor, overused terms)
“The FlipFlap feature will empower dynamic fields to be leveraged so that things can be accomplished.” (heavy jargon)